frame descriptor

A part of the host computer's buffer structure that links transmitted or received data frames to appropriate priority queues￿ ￿rame Descriptors contain MA￿ frame parameters, frame status, and pointers￿

Global Input

A type of data input received by a node using Peer ￿op data transfers￿ Nodes using Peer ￿op can be configured to receive up to 32 164bit words of ￿lobal Input data from each of up to 64 source nodes, up to a maximum total of 500 words￿ Incoming data from each source node can be indexed into up to eight fields for delivery into separate data destinations in the receiving node￿

Global Output

A type of data output sent by a node using Peer ￿op data transfers￿ Nodes using Peer ￿op can be configured to send up to 32 164bit words of ￿lobal Output data, which is globally broadcast to all active nodes on the network￿ Destination nodes can be configured to accept or ignore incoming data from specific source nodes￿


High4level Data Link ￿ontrol￿ The part of the device that performs the protocols for defining the beginning and end of a frame, synchronizing the frame between sender and receiver, providing ￿R￿ error checking, and defining the portion of the received information that is to be checked by the ￿R￿￿

host computer

A computer which controls other computers and devices￿ In an industrial process with networking, the host computer specifies the current requirements for the operation of remote nodes, and is the destination for summary data reports about the performance of the process￿


International ￿lectrical ￿ommission￿


Institute of ￿lectrical and ￿lectronics ￿ngineers￿


International Standards Organization￿

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Schneider Electric BM85 manual Frame descriptor, Global Input, Global Output, Host computer