1.1Bridge/Multiplexers on Modbus Plus
1.1.1The Modbus Plus Network
Modbus Plus is a local area network designed for industrial control applications. The network enables programmable controllers host computers and other devices to communicate throughout the production areas of an industrial plant. It supports up to 64 addressable node devices at a data transfer rate of million bits per second. Single/cable and dual/cable network configurations are available.
User applications include transferring of process control and supervisory messages. Typical networked devices include Modicon programmable controllers that connect to the network through a direct port on the controller or through a communications option. Network adapters connect several types of host computer products to the network.
Multiple networks can be joined through Modicon ridge Plus nodes. This facilitates the design of time/critical applications in which each network employs only the devices required for the local process.
1.1.2The BM85 on Modbus Plus
The M85 ridge./.Multiplexer operates as a Modbus Plus node and provides four serial ports that you can configure separately for serial devices in your application. M85 models are available for single/cable or dual/cable Modbus Plus networks and for support of RS232 RS485 or Modicon Modbus serial devices.
Figure shows a block diagram of two Modbus Plus networks joined through a P85 ridge Plus. Serial devices communicate with the application through the M85 ridge./.Multiplexers.
2 Introducing the BM85 Bridge/Multiplexers
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