Bridge Plus

A Modicon device that interconnects two Modbus Plus networks￿


A network communications method supporting multiple data transmission channels, using frequency division multiplexing￿


An electrical channel used to send or receive data￿


A network communications method in which information is transmitted using a single transmission channel￿ See broadband￿


The communication pathway between two or more devices￿

coaxial cable

A two conductor cable in which an inner conductor is the signal path and an outer conductor is a shield￿ A dielectric separates the two conductors￿


￿ridge Multiplexer models ￿M85S232 and ￿M85S485￿ These models contain a user0defined application program that can independently control processes at their four serial ports, accessing Modbus Plus nodes only as required￿


￿yclic Redundancy ￿hecking￿ An error detection method in which a sending station computes a mathematical value derived from the frame's contents, and sends it as an HDL￿ field in the frame￿ The receiving station recomputes the value as it receives the frame, and compares it to the received value￿ If the two values are equal, the frame is assumed to have been received without error￿

data frame

An LL￿ frame containing data to be transferred between devices￿

Data Link Layer

In the OSI model, the layer that provides services for transferring frames of data between nodes of a network￿ Defined by the I￿￿￿

802￿2 standard￿ At this layer, a sending device assembles data into a message packet with addresses and information for error checking, handles tokens for accessing the network, and sends the packet to the Physical Layer for transmission￿ Its two logical entities are the MA￿ and LL￿ sublayers￿ See MAC and LLC￿



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Schneider Electric BM85 manual Bridge Plus, Broadband, Bus, Carrierband, Channel, Coaxial cable, Co-Processor, Data frame