SERVICE | • When servlclng s tool, use only identical replace- | |
• Tool service must be performed only by qualified | ment parts. FollowInstructions In the Maintenance | |
section of this manuel. Use of unauthorizedparts or | ||
repair personnel. Service or maintenancepedormed | ||
failure to follow Malnlenance lnstruc_ons may create a | ||
by unqualifiedpersonnel couldresultin e risk of injury. | ||
r_skof shock or injury. | ||
•Hold tool by insulated gripping surfaces when performing an Operation where the cuffing tool may contact hdden wiring, Contactwith a "live"wire will also make exposed metal paTtsof the tool"live"and shockthe operator.
•Know your power tool. Rsmdoperator'smanual carefully. Learn its applicatfona end limitations, as well as the specific potential hazards related to this
tool. Fotlowlngthis rule willreduce the riskof electric shock,fire, or sedous injury.
•Always wear safety glseemswith side shields. Everyday glasses have only Impact resistantlenses. They ere NOT safety glasses. Followingthis rulewill reduce the dsk of eye injury.
•Battery tools do not have to be plugged into an electrical outlet; therefore, they are always In oper'etlngcondition. Be aware of possible hazards
when not using your battery tool or when changing accessories. Followingthis rule willreducethe risk of
electricshock, fire, or seriouspersonalinjury.
[] DO not place battery tools or their batteries near fire or heat. This wlllreduce the dsk of explosionand
[] Batteriesvent hydrogengas and can explode in the presence of a source of )gnltlon,such as a p)lotI}ght. To reduce the risk of serious personalinjury, never use any cesdlessproductin the presence of open "flame. An exploded battery can propeldebris and chemicals, if exposed, flush with water immediately.
•Do not charge battery tool in • damp or wet Ioc_- lion. Followingthis rule w_ reduce the risk of electric shock.
•For best results, your battery tool should be charged In a tocatlon where the tempemtere Is more than 50°F but less than 1QO°F.Do not store outside or in vehicles.
•Under extreme usage or temperature conditions, battery Iselmge may occur. If liquid comes In contact wlth your skin, wash Immediately with soap and water, then neutralize with lemon Juice or vinegar. If llquld gets Into your eyes, flush them with clean water for st least 10 minutes, then seek Immedlste medical attention. Followingthis rule will reducethe risk of sedous personal Injury.