Sears 315.10186 manual Batteries, BATrERY Pack Removal, Preparation for Recycling

Models: 315.10186

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_lb WARNING: When servicing, use only identical Craftsman replacement perts. Use of any other pert

may create a hazard or cause productdamage.

Do not abuse powertools. Abusive practicescan damage tool as wall as workplace.

,_, WARNING: Always remove the battery packfrom the tool when assemblingparts, making adiustments, cleaningor when not In use. Removingthe battery peck wiltprevent accidentalsbartingthat could cause sedouspersonalinjury.

Use clean clothsto removedirt, carbon dust, etc.

_, WARNING: Do not at any time let brake fluids, gasoline, petroleum-basedproducts,penetraUngoils, etc. come in contact with ptssttcparts. They contain

chemicals that can damage, weaken or destroy plastic.

Only the parts shownon parts list, page 17, are intended to be repaired or replaced by the customer. All other parts

shouldbe replaced at a Sears Service Center.

_1= WARNING: Do not attempt to mod_ this tool or create acoessodesnot recommendedfor use with

this tool Any such alteration or modification is mfsuce and could result In a hazardous cona'i6on

leading to possibte serious persona[ injury.

AWARNING: Always wear safety glasses with side shieldswhen usingcompressed air to clean toots, it the operation is dusty, also wear a dust mask.


The battery pack for the drill-driveris equipped with nickel-cadmiumrechargeable batteries. Length of service from each chargingwill depend on the type of work you are doing.

The batteriesin this tool have been designed to provide max=mumtroublefree life. t-lowever,tike artbattaries, they wilt eventuallywear out. Do not disassemblebattery pack and attemptto replace the batteries. Handfingof these

batteries, especially when wearing rings and jewelry, could result In a seT_ousbum.

To obtain the longestposslb(e battery life, we suggest the


[] Store and charge your batteries In a cool area. Tempera_,uresbelow 50°F or above 10Q°Fw_l_shorten battery life.

[] Never store battmles In a dischargedcondition. Recharge them immediately after they are


[] All batterles gr_du_lty lose thelr chaTge..Thahlghar the tt_npersture the o_ickerthey k_sett_ir charge. If you store yoz_rtootfor Ioog periodsof time without using R, recharge the batteries avery month or two. Thl.spracticewill prok_ batteryIKe.

To preserverBtw_ resources,please recy_e or dLsposeof batteries properly. "Thisproductcontains n_cke_-cadmlum batteries. Local, state or federal laws may prohbit dispose of nickel-cadmium batteries in ordinary trash.

Consultyour Ioca/waste authorityfor information regardingavailable recyclingand/or disposal options,



_, WARNING: Uponremoval, cover the battery pack'sterminals with heavy duty adhesivetape. Do not attempt to destroyor disassemblebattery peck or remove any of its components.Nickel..cadm(um batteries must be recycledor disposedof properly. Also, never touchboth terminaJswith metal objects and/or bodyparts as short c/muifmay result. Keep away from ohltdren,Failure to comply with these wam_ngscould result"mfire and/or serious'injury.


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Sears 315.10186 manual Batteries, BATrERY Pack Removal, Preparation for Recycling