>, x,, tk, x,, <,, 4-, <>, Stitch Width Control Stitch Length Control Adjusting Stretch Stitch Balance, Starting To Sew, 25, Ul, 26, Practical Stitch Chart (Continued), >, Practical Stitch Chart (Continued)"> Sears 385. 17526 I

For Zigzag Stitch

in the correct zigzag stitch, the bobbin threads wilt not show on the top side ol

fabric and the top threads will show slightly onthe bottom side. See below lor

the correct appearance. To match this appearance, a_ust the top tension.

Top tension
Toc Tight
Top s_deof Fabric
Top tension
Too Loose Just Right
%., , ,.- _
Top side of Fabric Top s_de ofFabric
f _ f -,,
Bottom side of Fabric
Too Tight:
-- Comer ot each
ztgzag will pull
together on the top
side of fabrics
k_ j j
Bottom side of Fabric Bottom side of Fabric
Too Loose: Just Right:
m The top thread will Minimize theamount ot
loop through bottom top thread visible on
side ot labric and the bottom side ot
will be pulled almost |abnc without causing
together, excesslve puckering or
causing the bobbin
thread to show on the
top side. Results vary
with |abric, thread and
sewing conditions.