i::::_Makesurethereisnostack or t. insert bobbin into shuttle making sure bobbin
:il;i snags in the thread Use the rotates counter c ockwse, i_ij
i type of thread andsze neede 2Pul thread throughslat (A) and then to the left. _:;
']' recommended in yourinstruc- Pal thread through notch (B) and leave thread
!; t on book about4 incheslong. i

:it\ :!,i OM ET,.GTHREAD,.G i....

:: l ! | Hod lop thread oosely tn teIt hand and rotate
::: _"_:H _ handwheeI toward you one complete turn. Bring ;
_!:,_ _ /bottomthread up and next,pulltop and bottom
i:::] ____,_,,=4__ threadsunder and tothe back elpresser toot,
! o.........o
Upper lhtBa_If_ Ii_I_I
Upper Ih/ei_ I_ loose
Collect _ilChilI_
For your saiety an _mportant new lecture has been incorporated in this machine.
The fghltpawer switch provides electric current {or the motor as well as the light,
_norder to operate the machine this switch must be on,
If you are intelrupted while sewing and must leave themachine unattended, just
turn offthe Iightipawer switch and the machine can not be started accidentally by
pressing on the loot control, this lecture afso apples when the machine is in
The toot control isused to vary the machine speed Item zero to high,