No use este horns pars fines coraerciales. Ert._

hecho Qnicamente pars usa domestics oNo cubra ni bisques _asaber#Jrasdel homo,

Use su homo 0nicamente para tar operacionee dese_ltas en este manual

No ponga e_homo a funcionar si est6 yam's,ee decir, sin comida ea su intel'ior,

Conserve el piss del horns:

-No salients exoesivamente el piss del homo. = NO permits qua le pelicula gris qua viene en

paquetes especiafes para cocinar en microondae toque ei piss del horns. Ponga el paquete en un plato especial pars microondas.

-No coo}no nada directameate sobre el piss dei borne. Use un plato espec{a_pars mic_oondas,

-Mantenga un plato de darer a al menos 3/16 de pulgada per robre et piss. Lea y siga cuidadosamente ]as instrucciones para el plato de doter. Si use un plato de dorar

inoorrectamente, podrta dafiar el piss del homo. Preserve a pardlia metalica:

-Saquela parrilia met_llca del homo cuando no !o este usando.

-No use el homo yetis con ta parriHa met&lice en 61.

-La parrflta metAlica puede ponerse salients mient/as cocina, Use guantes o pubes p_otectores de cessna pars sacafia despu_s de coo;inst.

=No use papet atuminio o recipientes metAticos sobre la pardlla melodies,



. No intents porter eSte _rne a 1uncienar con Is puerta abiert, a, puesto qua la operar_.J6ncon _apuerta abierta puede ocasionar la noc{va exposici6n a[a energia de misroondas, Es impertante no e.nL_tarni maniputar e! dispositivo de enctavamiento e bloqueo de seguridad.

No ponga el horns a funcionar si e_ta dafiado. Es particularmenta importante qua la puerta del homo se cJerre adecuadamente y qua no ocurtan da#os on:

-la puerta (qua est'. doblada)

-]as bisagrae y seguros (qua estOn rotes o f!ojes)

-lasjuntas hermCticas y as superficies de cierre bern€tics de ta puerta,

, No coloque objetos entre la parle fronts y la peerta del horns ni pea-mite que ei susie o los residues de toe agantes fimpiadores se acumuten sobre las superficies de sierra hetm¢tico.

=El he_'no s6!o debeee[ aiustado o ceDarado pot e_ personal de servicb apropiadamente oalifieado para tlevsr a cabs esas tarsus,




Este equips genera y usa energ[a de frecuencia ISM y ei no est& instatado y se usa correctamente en estricta confotmfdad con ias insttucciones del

fabficante pueden ocurfir intefferenciae en la recepc[On de seiis_ee de radio y tetevisi6n, Este electi'odomeatico h& side somet_do a ptuebas er_ cuanto a su tips y se he determinado qua cumpte con _os t[mttes para Equipos ISM seg0n el apartado

S de fas Reglas de ta FCC, qua estan concebidas para brindar una protecoiOn razonabte contra taler

,}nterferencias enuna instaiaciOn residencial, Sin embargo, no se puecie garantizar que no ocurran interferenctas enuna instaf_ctor_ particular. Sieste equips cause interferencia ala recspci6n de sef_a_es de re,die y televisi6n, Io cue[ puede determinates encendiendo y apagando el equips, invitamos al

usuario a intentar corregir _ainterferencJa tomando una o m&s tie las siguientes medidas:

Reortentsr _aantena receptors del sparato de radio e television.

o Reubicar el home respects al upstate receptor an cuestiOn,

,,Alejar el homode mlcroondas de_aparate receptor,

• Enchdar el home de mtcroondas en una toma

diferente de ta_mode qua el horns de mioroondas y et upstate receptor se tocalicen en diferentes seccionee del c}rauito el_ctdco.

El fabricante no es respensabte per

inter_erenciaa a la$ se_ales de radio e teievisibn caesada$ pot _a_odificaoion ne aut_rizada de eats horns de microendas. Es responsabi(idad dot usuario corregir tales interferencias,

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Sears 721.67601, 721.67602 owner manual Conserve Estas Nstruocjones, Conserve el piss del horns, Advertenca

721.67602, 721.676, 721.67601 specifications

The Sears models 721.67601, 721.676, and 721.67602 represent a noteworthy selection of consumer products that cater to various needs in the realm of electronics and appliances. These models, primarily marketed through Sears, embody a combination of reliability, functionality, and user-friendly features, making them a staple for many households.

A standout feature of these models is their robust design, which emphasizes durability and long-lasting performance. Built to withstand daily usage, they are equipped with high-quality components that ensure efficiency over time. Users have reported consistency in performance, highlighting the models’ ability to perform their functions effectively without significant wear and tear.

In terms of technology, the Sears 721.676 series proudly includes advanced mechanisms that enhance user experience. These might involve intuitive controls, which allow consumers to operate the devices with ease. Clear digital displays and simplified interfaces are common, enabling users to access various settings without unnecessary complexity. Furthermore, the models often feature energy-efficient technologies, which not only help in reducing electrical consumption but also align with contemporary environmental awareness.

Another crucial characteristic of the Sears 721.67601, 721.676, and 721.67602 is their versatility. These models are designed to meet a range of consumer needs, from basic tasks to more specialized functions. Whether it’s in the kitchen or for entertainment purposes, these products cater to various lifestyles and preferences. The adaptability of the devices ensures that they can fit seamlessly into different environments, whether in small apartments or larger family homes.

Consumer feedback indicates high satisfaction levels, particularly regarding customer service and support provided by Sears. Owners of the 721 series often appreciate the accessibility of resources, including manuals and online support, which further enhances the usability of the models.

Complementing their performance and support, aesthetic appeal is not overlooked. The sleek design and modern finishes of the 721.676 models contribute positively to home décor, making them attractive additions to any living space.

In conclusion, the Sears 721.67601, 721.676, and 721.67602 models collectively embody a blend of quality, technology, and user-orientation. Their durable construction, energy-efficient features, and versatility make them a reliable choice for consumers seeking dependable products that cater to their daily needs.