When the
fitness level will be shown in the TIME
display. There are ten fitness levelsÑfitness level 10 (FL:10) is the
highest. Remember,
the fitness program is intended only to indicate your relative fitness level.
Note: The SPEED and INCLINE buttons will not function while the fitness program is selected. If your pulse is not detected during the program, the letters ÒPLSÓ will flash in the CALS./FAT CALS./ PULSE display. If your pulse is not detected during the last thirty seconds of any
6Remove the key from the console.
When the program is completed, remove the key from the console. Store the key in a secure place. In addition, press the on/off switch to the ÒoffÓ position. (See the drawing on page 9.)
The console features an information mode that keeps track of the total time and distance accumulated on the treadmill. To access the information mode, hold down the STOP button while inserting the key into the console. Continue to hold down the STOP button until the following information is displayed:
The DISTANCE display will show the total number of miles accumulated on the treadmill.
The TIME display will show the total number of hours accumulated on the treadmill.
The CALS./FAT CALS./ PULSE display will show an ÒEÓ for ÒEnglishÓ (miles) or an ÒMÓ for ÒMetricÓ (kilo- meters). Note: Press the SPEED Ò+Ó button to change the unit of measurement.
To exit the information mode, remove the key from the console.
The walking
platform is specially designed to
cushion the
impact as you walk or run on the tread- mill. The firmness
of the walking platform can be adjusted with the
knob on the right side of the treadmill. For a firmer walking platform, turn the knob counterclockwise. For a softer walking platform, turn the knob clockwise. Note: The faster you run on the treadmill, the firmer the walking platform should be. If the walking platform is too soft, the treadmill may bounce excessively.