Sharp MD-M2H Mini Disc System Limitations, Troubleshooting, If a problem occurs, General

Models: MD-M2H

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Even if the maximum recording time of a

In the MD system, the delimiter of the recording area on an

MiniDisc has not been reached, “TOC

MD is programmed in a TOC. If partial erasing, recording

FULL ” may be displayed.

and editing are repeated several times, TOC information will


fill up, even though the number of tracks has not reached the


limit (255 tracks), and further recording will be impossible. (If


you use the all erase function, this MD can be used from the



Even if the maximum recording time of a

If there is any flaw on the MiniDisc, that part is automatically

MiniDisc has not been reached, “DISC

excluded from the space available for recording. Therefore,

FULL” may be displayed.

the recording time becomes shorter.

Even if several short tracks are erased,

When the remaining recording time of a disc is displayed,

the remaining recording time may not

short tracks less than 12 seconds long may not be included

show an increase.

in the total.

Two tracks may not be combined in edit-

For MiniDiscs on which repeated recording and editing op-


erations were performed, the COMBINE function may not




A track recorded from a CD (digital recording) and a track


recorded from a radio or other equipment (analogue record-


ing) cannot be combined.

The total of the recorded time and time

A cluster (about 2 seconds) is normally the minimum unit of

remaining on a disc may not add up to

recording. So, even if a track is less than 2 seconds long, it

the maximum possible recording time.

will use about 2 seconds of space on the disc. Therefore, the


time actually available for recording may be less than the


remaining time displayed.


If there are scratches on discs, those sections will be auto-


matically avoided (no recording will be placed in those sec-


tions). Therefore, the recording time will be reduced.

If recorded tracks are fast reversed or fast

An MD which has been recorded or edited repeatedly may

forwarded, the sound may skip.

skip during fast reverse or fast forward.




If a problem occurs

If this unit functions abnormally during operation, first check the following items. If the unit continues to function abnormally, or if an abnormality appears other than listed below, set this unit to the stand-by mode and discon- nect the AC power plug, then consult your SHARP dealer or service personnel.



Possible cause


The clock is wrong.

Did a power failure occur?

Try setting it again.

When a button is pressed, the unit




Set this unit to the stand-by

does not respond.




mode and then turn it back on.





Then, retry the operation.






No sound is heard.

Is the volume level is set to “0”?

Increase the volume level.


Are the headphones connected?

Disconnect the headphones.


Are the speaker wires disconnected?

Connect the wires securely.




Radios make unusual noise or the

When a radio or TV which uses an

It is recommended that you use

picture on the TV screen is dis-

indoor aerial is placed near the unit,

an external aerial.


the picture on the TV screen may be



distorted or the radio may not func-



tion properly.








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Sharp MD-M2H Mini Disc System Limitations, Troubleshooting, If a problem occurs, General, Symptom Possible cause Remedy