CHEESE & POTATO LAYER | 1 | Mix the leeks and ham in bowl, cook on 100P for |
Serves 4 |
| 5 minutes. |
300g leeks, sliced | 2 | Place half the leek mixture in a 2.5 litre (approx. |
200g cooked ham, chopped |
| 4 pint) casserole dish cover with half the potato |
600g |
| slices, pour over half the sauce and sprinkle with |
600ml (1 pint) white sauce (See below) |
| half the cheese. |
250g cheddar cheese, grated |
| Repeat with the remaining ingredients. |
| 3 | Cook on 70P for 30 minutes. |
WHITE SAUCE | 1 | Place the margarine in a bowl and heat on 100P |
300ml (1/2 pint) |
| for 30 seconds, until melted. |
25g margarine | 2 | Stir in the flour and whisk in the milk. Cook on |
25g plain flour |
| 100P for 6 minutes, stirring halfway through |
300ml (1/2 pint) milk |
| cooking, until thick and smooth. Season with |
salt and pepper to taste |
| salt and pepper to taste. |
Cheese sauce:Stir in 75g grated cheese and 5ml (1 tsp) mustard powder at Stage 2. Serve with vegetables, fish or meat.
Parsley sauce:Stir
Onion sauce:Add 225g cooked onion, finely chopped into the sauce at stage 2. Serve with vegetables.
Sweet white sauce: Omit salt and pepper from basic recipe. Add 15 - 30ml (1 - 2 tbsp) caster sugar at Stage 2. Serve with puddings as an alternative to custard.
Serves 4
1500ml (21/2 pints) milk 200g pudding rice 150g caster sugar
5ml (1 tsp) ground nutmeg (optional)
Serves 4
750g seasonal fresh fruit, lightly cooked
150g brown sugar 5ml (1 tsp) cinnamon 150g plain wholemeal flour 75g rolled oats
75g margarine
1Place the milk in a 2.5 litre (approx. 4 pint) casserole dish. Heat on 100P for 8 minutes.
2Stir in the rice and sugar.
3Place on the low rack, cook on 50P for
60 minutes, stir 3 times during cooking and again at the end of cooking.
4Sprinkle with ground nutmeg to serve.
1Place the fruit, 50g of the brown sugar and the cinnamon in a dish, mix well and cook on 100P for 4 minutes.
2Place flour and oats in bowl, mix well and rub in margarine, until mixture resembles fine breadcrumbs. Add remaining brown sugar, mix well. Sprinkle over the fruit and cook on 50P for 10 minutes.
7/3/09 5:31:08 PM