PLU price level 1: PLU code 1 (@1.91), PLU code 2 (@0.79)
PLU price level 2: PLU code 1 (@2.00), PLU code 2 (@0.99)
When your POS terminal has been programmed for the automatic return mode (by one item):
When your POS terminal has been programmed for the lock shift mode:
Condiment entries (for PLU)
Your POS terminal may be programmed for prompting condiment and preparatory instructions for a menu-
item PLU.
When you enter a menu-item PLU, a prompting message such as HOWCOOK? and a list of the Following
PLUs will appear. You must specify one of the Following PLUs such as without mustard to meet a
special order of the guest. In an example of the condiment table shown below, it is assumed that the
condiment table no.1 is assigned to PLU code 21 (programmed text STEAK) and table no. 4 is assigned to
table no. 1 as the next table no. When you enter the PLU code 21, the message HOWCOOK? will appear
to prompt you to specify one of RARE, MED.RARE, and WELLDONE. If the guest chooses RARE,
select it from the list. Then the next message POTATO? will appear to prompt you to specify one of
P.CHIPS, MASHED.P, and BAKED.P. If the guest chooses MASHED.P, select it. Then press the c
key to end this entry.
Here is an example of how to perform a condiment entry when your condiment table is as shown below.
23 25 27
(HOWCOOK?) (RARE 0.00) (MED.RARE 0.00) (WELLDONE 0.00)
33 37 38
(POTATO?) (P. CHIPS 0.60) (MASHED.P 0.60) (BAKED.P 0.50)
Table number PLU codes for condiment entry (programmed text, price) Next table no.
PLUsMessage text
1 ¥1
2 ¥1
PrintKey operation
2 ¥1
PrintKey operation