Interview with Dirk Wegg about trends in the oil & gas industry COMOS Plant Manager: Hello Mr. Wegg, can
you tell us about the developments you are cur-
rently witnessing in the oil and gas industry?
Dirk Wegg: The demand for energy in indus-
trialized and newly industrializing countries is
steadily increasing. However, over the coming
years, the global community will not yet be
able to meet this demand with renewable or
alternative energy sources. In fact, over the
next 20 to 30 years, raw materials such as oil
and gas will play an increasingly important
role in terms of energy supply. Having said
this, deposits which are easily exploited have
been virtually exhausted. To this end, ever
greater risks have to be taken in order to ex-
tract oil and gas from remote areas. As such,
deep sea drilling activities are commonplace
these days and initial projects exploring ex-
The oil & gas industry represents dynamic devel-
opment and innovation. COMOS Plant Manager
spoke to Dirk Wegg, General Manager of the Blue
Chip Energy Program at Siemens Industry Soft-
ware, about trends, challenges, and solutions in
this marketplace.
traction in areas with extreme climatic condi-
tions, such as in the Barents Sea north of Nor-
way and Russia, are currently underway.
Extracting the raw materials, and the plant
equipment needed for this, is correspondingly
more costly and complex. At the same time,
the economical and political pressure under
which the plant operators are placed contin-
ues to increase. Indeed, the issue of personal
and environmental safety remains a key focus.
There will be ever more official rules and reg-
ulations to comply with. Furthermore, addi-
tional time pressures are placed on companies
these days. In the past, a whole decade could
pass between the discovery of raw material
resources and their extraction - however, the
process must now take place in a significantly
shorter time period.
12 COMOS Plant Manager | 3/2012
Interview with Dirk Wegg about trends in the oil & gas industry