An ever increasing number of users are en-
joying the benefits of engineering software
for mobile plant management. Modern web
and sharepoint technologies offer users
increasing flexibility in terms of global col-
laboration, help to improve the quality of
information, enhance efficiency, and save
Siemens has now extended its plant manage-
ment software COMOS by the inclusion of a
solution for mobile data and document utili-
zation in the form of an iPad app entitled
COMOS Mobile Document Review. Users can
now edit, review, and release plant documen-
tation, and manage revision status anywhere,
anytime with the aid of editing and redlining
features – whether on business trips, in meet-
ings or during tours of inspection. Docu-
ments from the COMOS database are trans-
mitted via a web server in pdf format to the
COMOS user’s iPad where they are edited of-
fline. Available redlining functions include
freehand drawing, insertion of comments
and integration of photos taken on site. Once
redlining has been completed, a pdf is creat-
ed and the file returned to the COMOS data-
base for further processing.
The COMOS App is intuitive to use and can
be operated without any prior knowledge
of COMOS engineering software. All newly
loaded documents are immediately visible
and their management is simplified by the
use of favorites functions. The App is avail-
able in Chinese, German, English and French,
and can be downloaded free of charge from
the Apple App Store. It works best on the
2nd or 3rd generation iPad.
mobile plant management with
Comos mobile Document Review
Information video
(1:18 minutes)
15 COMOS Plant Manager | 3/2012