At this time, the plant management of the
future is being discussed by experts at many
conferences and trade fairs. These events
provide the ideal platform for exchanging in-
formation on trends, requirements, the latest
developments, and innovative practical solu-
tions in the process industry. For example,
plant designers and owner operators came
together at the Digital Plant Conference
2012 in September and examined the topic
of holistic plant management throughout the
entire life cycle of an industrial plant. In the
scope of this event, we had the opportunity
to announce the takeover of 3D experts
VRcontext by Siemens.
The acquisition and integration of the suc-
cessful VRcontext product Walkinside repre-
sents a valuable addition to our COMOS soft-
ware range in the areas of 3D visualization
and training software. Apart from the familiar
2D solutions, we can therefore now offer fast
access to 3D engineering data from the basic
and detail engineering stages. Along with re-
alistic 3D visualization and easy operation,
the powerful software impresses with data
management in real time and a capability to
handle very large data volumes. You can read
more about COMOS Walkinside on pages six
and seven of this edition of the COMOS Plant
In this issue, we also report on the successful
use of COMOS by our customers Evonik in the
chemical industry and BWSC in the power
plant industry. Read about the latest benefits
provided by our service and support system
and our extended training program. Of course,
Doc COMOS has another useful tip for you.
This time, it relates to executing a query fast-
er. In the Event Calendar, you will find events
at which we can discuss the efficient man-
agement of your plant together. Take advan-
tage of the opportunity and speak to us. Your
regional COMOS contact partner will be hap-
py to make an individual appointment to talk
to you in detail about your specific require-
I hope you enjoy reading this issue of
COMOS Plant Manager.
Andreas Geiss
Vice President COMOS Industry Solutions
Dear readers,Andreas Geiss
Vice President
COMOS Industry Solutions
3 COMOS Plant Manager | 3/2012