With the integration of Walkinside in the
COMOS portfolio, customers profit from even
greater productivity and additional benefits
throughout the entire value chain of plant
management. The skills brought together in
COMOS Walkinside will also be integrated in-
creasingly in development and support, etc.
and therefore increase the investment protec-
tion for customers.
simulated and executed efficiently in the 3D
model based on constantly up-to-date and
consistent data. In addition to this, it is also
possible to access information linked to a
COMOS object (work permits, data sheets,
maintenance intervals, etc.) at any time.
COMOS Walkinside offers a combination that
is unique on the market, with simple opera-
tion and realistic visualization along with per-
manent availability of the plant data. This
ensures efficient data management in real
time, as well as the ability to handle the larg-
est possible data volumes. Even extremely
complex models, such as those produced for
complete offshore drilling platforms or FPSO
(Floating Production Storage Offloading)
units, allow a virtual walkthrough in real
COMOS Walkinside also finds profitable appli-
cation in the training of field operators. The
software allows personnel to be trained real-
istically in the virtual model of the real plant
while the plant itself is still under construc-
tion. These training scenarios include the fast
locating of objects or components in the
plant, the planning and execution of mainte-
nance work, and the simulation of faults. In
“multiple avatar mode“, this training allows
the participation of the entire operations
team together in the same virtual model. This
avoids the high costs involved in sending
staff to a plant that is still under construction.
At the same time, staff can be prepared effi-
ciently under safe environmental conditions
for their later deployment.
“The integration of the Walkinside 3D visualization and training software of our long-standing partner VRcontext into our industrial software portfolio will benefit our customers significantly. Using intelligent 3D models can make plant engineer-ing and operation safer and more efficient in many sectors of the industry,” states Eckard Eberle, CEo of the siemens Industrial Automation systems Business Unit.
You will find more information on
the advantages of COMOS Walkinside
in the video (6:35 minutes)
6 COMOS Plant Manager | 3/2012
3D visualization and training software