planning and plant cost calculation can be sig-
nificantly minimized through the introduction
of standards. “Initial considerations regarding
standardized P&ID creation were already dis-
cussed 20 years ago. However, we had to
shelve these considerations as no suitable soft-
ware tools for the realization of such standard-
ization were available back then”, recalls Dr.
Dorothea Schwarz, project manager at Evonik
Industries AG.
Holistic software solution for know-how bundling
Over the course of time and with various soft-
ware developments for plant planning, this sit-
uation has changed. Meanwhile, the chemical
company employs the COMOS software solu-
tion for plant design by Siemens. Amongst
other things, it is used for the creation of P&ID
flow diagrams for individual users. This object-
oriented software is based on a uniform data-
base. With its engineering block technology, it
represents the core of the standardization con-
cept. These e-blocks consist of a query tree
and a graphical component, which adapts to
the answer behavior. The planners are thus re-
liably guided through the decision process on
the basis of blocks. At the end of the process
chain, a flow diagram is generated in which
every line, measurement, and apparatus is in-
terlinked with a procedural decision. These de-
cisions partially go into great detail. Yet, espe-
cially more complex units and genuine
“know-how goodies”, which constitute the
specific Evonik knowledge, require manual re-
working. As the standardized queries are car-
ried out very time-efficiently, ample leeway is
available for such reworks. The e-blocks form
an integral part of the general planning data-
base and are seamlessly integrated in the
COMOS working environment. Furthermore,
data consistency is ensured at all times. As the
e-blocks can be very easily supplemented by
further information, every decision can be im-
mediately assessed with regard to costs. This
facilitates the rapid identification of “expen-
sive” versions.
User-friendly interface for eased planning
The plant engineers are currently working
with a prototype developed by the chemical
company. This prototype features a query tree
structure, which is based on an expert system.
For P&ID planning, the engineers answer con-
crete questions on specific subjects via a user-
friendly interface, for example “Is an inflow
armature in the feed supply required?” or
“How many feed supplies in the column are
required?”. Traffic light colors indicate wheth-
er further planning decisions have to be made
by the user. Defined e-blocks are incorporated
in the P&ID flow diagrams in accordance with
the plant engineers’ answers. All prepared
planning steps can be immediately graphically
implemented and displayed by the software.
All decisions are documented and can be re-
voked, if required.
Time savings with basic planning
The application of the developed standards re-
sulted in a considerably optimized P&ID cre-
ation process at Evonik Industries. What took
up half a day in the past can now be realized
As one of the world‘s leading companies in the spe-
cialty chemicals industry, Evonik Industries employs
the COMOS software solution for plant designing.
“We expect significantly reduced planning times from the application of the Comos e-block technology,” states Dr. Dorothea schwarz, project manager at Evonik Industries AG.
within roughly 45 minutes. “We expect signifi-
cantly minimized engineering times from the
application of the COMOS e-block technology.
These time savings are then invested in the
development of intelligent solutions which »
8 COMOS Plant Manager | 3/2012
Chemical Industry: Reference Evonik