ThoraxCombi 2ndReconstr.
kV 120
Effective mAs 100
Slice collimation 0.75 mm
Slice width 5.0 mm 1.0 mm
Feed/Rotation 15.0 mm
Rotation time 0.5 sec.
Kernel B31f B80f
Increment 5.0 mm 0.7 mm
Image order cr-ca
CTDIw7.8 mGy
Effective dose Male: 3.0 mSv
Female: 3.9 mSv
If you want to reconstruct thin slices in every 2 mm
or 10 mm instead of 0.7 mm as predefined, simply
change the increment before image reconstruction.
Contrast medium IV injection
Start delay 25 sec.
Flow rate 2.5 ml/sec.
Total amount 80 ml