ThinSliceSpi RoutineSpi
kV 120 120
Effective mAs 320 320
Slice collimation 0.75 mm 1.5 mm
Slice width 4.0 mm 8.0 mm
Feed/Rotation 6.8 mm 13.7 mm
Rotation time 0.5 sec. 0.5 sec.
Kernel H31f H31f
Increment 4.0 mm 8.0 mm
Image order ca-cr ca-cr
CTDIw50.6 mGy 45.6 mGy
Effective dose Male: 0.7 mSv Male: 1.1 mSv
Female: 0.8 mSv Female: 1.2 mSv
PosteriorFossaOptimization Filter
PFO: To reduce beam-hardening artifacts in head
images, particularly in the base of the skull, use the
Posterior Fossa Optimization (PFO) filter.
If you want to set up the scan with only one range,
i.e. either 16 x 0.75 mm or 16 x 1.5 mm, you can
easily delete one mode by clicking the chronicle with
the right mouse button, and select cut.
Contrast medium IV injection
Start delay 60 sec.
Flow rate 2 ml/sec.
Total amount 50 – 60 ml