WholeBodyAngioThis scan protocol can be used for a whole Body Angio.
A range of 100 cm can be covered in 21.4 s.
WholeBodyAngio 2ndReconstr.
kV 120
Effective mAs 130
Slice collimation 1.5 mm
Slice width 6 mm 2 mm
Feed/Rotation 24.0 mm
Rotation time 0.5 sec.
Kernel B30f B20f
Increment 6 mm 1.5 mm
Image order cr-ca
The reconstruction can be loaded in the 3D Card,
MPR. Select the Range function and a predefined range,
linkedto the series, will pop up.
Please notice, if you are not satisfied with the Range
preset adapt the parameters to your needs and link them
to the series.
MPRthick: WholeBodyAngio coronal
Image thickness 3
Distance between images 3
Number of images 60