– It is recommended that you save your own scan
protocol with a new name in order to avoid over-
writing the default scan protocol.
– You may use preceding numbers (e.g. 1_Abdomen)
for user specific scan protocols to make them appear
on top of the list and to distinguish them from the
Siemens defaults.
– Do not use special characters like “/“, “.“ or “\“ within
scan protocol names.
– Don’t rename scan protocol files on Windows NT
level – this will lead to inconsistencies.
– Do not mix head and body scan protocols: e.g. do
not save a head mode in the abdomen directory.
– System/Run offers the tool “Restore Default Scan
Protocols“ which allows one to remove user specific
scan protocols and to restore the Siemens default
– System/Edit offers save/delete Scan Protocols.
– System/Run also offers the tool “List Scan Protocols”
which generates an HTML table of all available scan
protocols. This list can be printed or saved on Floppy
(“File/Save As…”).