HeartView CT
This is a sequential scanning protocol using an ECG
triggering technique for coronary calcium scoring
AP, 512 mm.
From the carina until
the apex of the heart.
kV 120
Effective mAs 30
Slice collimation 1.5 mm
Slice width 3 mm
Feed/Rotation 18 mm
Rotation time 0.42 sec.
Temporal resolution 210 ms
Kernel B35f
Image order cr-ca
CTDIw2.2 mGy
Effective Dose Male: 0.5 mSv
Female: 0.7 mSv
If you apply API for image acquisition, please make
sure that the breathhold interval in the Patient Model
Dialog is longer than the total scan time, e.g. 50 s,
otherwise the image acquisition will be interrupted by
the default breathhold interval. This does not apply
when API is not activated.