Recon Job
In the Recon card, you can define up to 3 reconstruc-
tion jobs with different parameters either before or
after you acquire the data. When you click on “Recon”,
they will all be done automatically. In case you want
to add another recon job, simply click the little icon on
the chronicle with the right mouse button and select
“delete recon job” to delete the one which has been
completed, and then one more recon job will be avail-
able in the Recon card (Note: what you delete is just
the job from the display, not the images that have
been reconstructed).
You can also reconstruct images for all scan modes
completed at once – do not select any chronicle before
you click “Recon”.
There are 5 different types of kernels: “H” stands for
Head, “B” stands for Body and “C” stands for ChildHead.
The image sharpness are defined by the numbers –
the higher the number, the sharper the image; the
lower the number, the smoother the image.
Note: Do not use different kernels for other body parts
than designed for.
Image Filter
There are 4 different filters available:
PFO:To reduce beam-hardening artifacts in head
images, particularly in the base of the skull,
use the Posterior Fossa Optimization (PFO) filter.
ASA:The Advanced Smoothing Algorithm (ASA)
filter reduces noise in soft tissue while edges with high
contrast are preserved.
LCE:The Low-contrast enhancement (LCE) filter
enhances low-contrast detectability. It reduces the
image noise.
HCE:The High-contrast enhancement (HCE) filter
enhances high-contrast detectability. It increases the
image sharpness.