Dialed numbers, call list | 33 |
Dialing with number keys | 20 |
Display | 64 |
big letters | 65 |
contrast | 65 |
illumination | 65 |
symbols | 81 |
Driving safety | 106 |
DTMF tones (control codes) | 82 |
E |
Emergency number | 82 |
EMS | 39, 83 |
F |
Factory settings | 69 |
Fast access | 62 |
Fast search | 77 |
Favorites | 61 |
G |
Games & More | 43 |
Games, download | 43 |
Getting Started | 11 |
GPRS | 83 |
activate/deactivate | 70 |
Group |
call to group | 30 |
setup | 32 |
SMS to group | 30 |
H |
Handsfree function | 22 |
Headset | 78, 97 |
Headset volume | 20 |
Held call | 22 |
Hide ID | 67 |
Home network | 76 |
Hotline Siemens | 94 |
HTTP | 84 |
HTTP profiles | 72 |
I |
Illumination, display | 65 |
IMEI number | 69 |
Inbox, SMS | 36 |
Input language, T9 | 79 |
International dialing codes | 84 |
J |
JAD file | 84 |
JAR file | 84 |
Java | 85 |
K |
Key lock | 67 |
Key tones | 67 |
Keys | 67 |
L |
Letter writing | 26 |
Limit, time/costs | 34 |
Line selection, connection | 76 |
Lost phone, SIM card | 96 |
M |
Maintenance tips | 96 |
Menu |
control | 14 |
favorites | 61 |
Message (SMS) | 35 |
Message storage | 85 |
Minute beep | 66 |
Missed appointments | 53 |
Missed calls, call list | 33 |
Multi party | 23 |
Muting, microphone | 24 |
My phone | 19 |
19 | |
N |
Network |
barrings | 75 |