Phone overview

Phone overview

1ACall key

Dial phone number/name displayed/selected, take calls. Show last phone numbers dialled in standby mode.

2BOn/Off/End key

Switched off: hold down to switch on.

During a conversation or in an application: press briefly to finish.

In menus: Press briefly to go back a level. Hold down to return to standby mode.

In standby mode: hold down to switch off phone.

3Navigation key

In lists, messages and menus:

IScroll up and down.

EFunction call (same function as right soft key (page 5)).

DBack a menu level.

During a call:

G Start adjusting the volume. H Open Addressbook/Phonebook. E Open call menu.

In standby mode:


Voice control (hold down).


Open Addressbook/Phonebook.


Open menu.


GPRS Info.

_ª g

Service provider

01.05.2004 10:10 NewMMS Menu