Extras 55
Sending a photo by MMS
You can easily send a photo as an MMS immediately after taking it.
§Options§ Open menu.
Send via MMS
§Select§ Press and select the desired resolution.
§Skip§ Press to skip recording a melody (page 33).
The MMS Editor starts. Simply complete the following input fields:
To: ·/JTelephone
Subject: Title of the MMS (maxi- mum of 40 characters).
The MMS is now ready to send:
§Options§ Open menu.
Send Select.
§Menu§ KyKSIM services
Your service provider may offer special applications such as mobile banking, share prices, etc. via the SIM card.
If you have such a SIM card, the SIM services will appear in the main menu under "Extras" or directly
}Symbol for SIM services.above the left soft key.
Where there are several applications, these are displayed in a SIM services menu.
With the SIM services menu, your phone is ready to support future additions in your service provider's user package. For further information, please contact your service provider.