Information about Software 19
6531668 System hangs when executing parallel hot
plug operation with SP DR in suspend phase.
There is no workaround.
6532215 volfs or dscp service may fail when domain is
Method "/lib/svc/method/svc-dscp
start" failed with exit status 95.
t: Method or service exit timed
out. Killing contract 59.
Restart the service if the failure is observed. To
avoid the problem, issue the following
# svccfg -s dscp setprop
start/timeout_seconds=count: 300
# svccfg -s volfs setprop
start/timeout_seconds=count: 300
# svcadm refresh dscp
# svcadm refresh volfs
6533686 DR deleteboard(8) and moveboard(8)
operations might fail if the target board
includes permanent memory.
Example for messages on domain:
drmach: WARNING: DR parellel copy
dcs: <xxxx> config_change_state:
Hardware specific failure:
unconfigure SB1: DR parellel copy
This has been fixed in patch 138397-01.
Try DR operations again.
To avoid this issue, before performing DR
operations using deleteboard(8) and
moveboard(8) commands on a board that
includes permanent memory, follow these
1.Add the following line to the System
Configuration file (/etc/system):
set drmach:drmach_disable_mcopy = 1
2.Reboot the domain.
6534471 Domains might panic. This bug has been fixed in Solaris 10 8/07.
6535018 In Solaris domains that include SPARC64 VII
processors, workloads that make heavy use of
the Solaris kernel might not scale as expected
when you increase the thread count to a value
greater than 256.
This has been fixed in patch 137111-01.
For Solaris domains that include SPARC64 VII
processors, limit domains to a maximum of
256 threads.
6535564 PCI hot plug to PCI slot #0, #1 or External I/O
Expansion Unit may fail on XSB added by DR.
This bug has been fixed in Solaris 10 8/07.
For Solaris 10 11/06, this has been fixed in
patch 120011-08.
Use DR instead of PCI hot plug if need to add
or remove PCI card on th e XSB.
TABLE4 Solaris OS Issues and Workarounds (Continued)
CR ID Description Workaround