My stuff


My stuff

To organise your files, you can use the file system like a PC file manager. There are separate folders for the various data types in My stuff.


The list of the folders and files is displayed (on two tabs if an RS MultiMediaCard is used).


Select file or folder.

ì/ö Openor link.folder and select file

Depending on the selec- tion, the file with the associated application is opened or the download started.


Melodies, pictures, games and other applications are offered on the Inter- net. Once downloaded, you can access these via the phone. Most applications include instructions. To download e.g. new pictures, sounds, the appropriate folders contain the download function.

Remember that pictures and sounds may be protected (DRM, page 14).

Some applications and games are already pre-installed on your phone.

Downloading can, if necessary, take place in two stages:

Description file only

ÌThe description file is loaded for information purposes only. The appli- cation/game itself must be loaded separately.

or complete download

ËThe application/game is completely loaded.