© Siemens AG 2011
Alarm Control Center alarm management system
The WinCC Alarm Control Center (ACC) alarm management system transmits alarms from visualization and control sys- tems to mobile receivers such as cellphones or pagers.
The messages are automatically sent to the responsible per- son or group of people. If no response is received within a pro- grammable period of time from a notified person (such as a text message), other people are notified. In conjunction with the escalation system, alarm scenarios can be implemented for a wide range of requirements.
Even the basic package incorporates a shift management faci- lity, enabling personnel to be assigned depending on the time and the day of the week.
Text messages are sent via ISDN, analog modem or GSM mo- dem. For additional requirements, transmission channels are available for systems including VOIP, voice and PABX systems. Configuration and user control is
Further options allows the Alarm Control Center to be adapted to individual requirements. The Replication option enables
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PM-MAINT intelligent maintenance management
Maintenance planning
Anticipatory planning with the help of performance and calendar information
Management of supplementary information
Data essential to effective maintenance can be entered rela- ting to the maintained plant and machinery. In addition to component, manufacturer and sourcing data, electronic do- cuments can also be linked to the items and related mainte- nance jobs. This provides maintenance staff with direct access to aids such as repair instructions, circuit diagrams, photos, manuals and the like.
Archiving of maintenance data
All maintenance activities are logged in an archive. Analysis of the archive enables maintenance operations to be assessed in detail, providing for continuous improvement.
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