© Siemens AG 2011
The gas analyzers have extensive functions for device diag- nostics and thus for corrective maintenance. In addition, they are capable of detecting functional irregularities. These ap- pear as a maintenance requirement or as a failure alarm in the display of the Maintenance Station, at the signal output, or they are signaled via PROFIBUS PA/DP to
Possible causes for maintenance requests include:
•Calibration tolerance exceeded due to pollution of measu- rement chamber, drift or change of the calibration gas
•Use of incorrect test or comparison gas
•Detector defective or comparison gas failed
•Monitoring of external interfering signals, e.g. for sample preparation for the OXYMAT 6:
-Maximum sample chamber or measuring head tempera- ture exceeded
-Heating is defective
-Zero or comparison gas contains too much oxygen
-Monitoring of the magnetic field
•For FiIDAMAT 6:
-Combustion gas failure or flame extinguished
-Flow monitoring
-Monitoring of the chopper motor
•For LDS6:
-Monitoring of the transmission of the transceiver unit
Process gas chromatography
MAXUM edition II
A universal usable gas chromatograph, which provides nu- merous analytical options thanks to its modular structure. This means that widely varying measuring tasks can be implemen- ted using only one device platform. "Parallel chromatogra- phy", in which a complex analytical task is divided into several simple simultaneous measurements, is possible.
A compact,
A gas chromatograph specially developed for precisely deter- mining calorific values. Based on the proven microsystem technology of the MicroSAM and suited for custody transfer.
Comprehensive maintenance and diagnostics information is made available to the Maintenance Station via an OPC server or via Modbus.
Process gas chromatography
Analyzer System Management
The complete range of functions of an ASM system encompas- ses an independent analyzer network and programmable con- trollers to integrate
Remote service
The remote service combines process analytics with
Siemens provides a remote service center, from which the analyzers can be directly accessed for preventive and correcti- ve measures.
Currently, this service is offered for the MAXUM, MicroSAM and SITRANS CV gas chromatographs and for the LDS6 diode laser gas analyzer. For optimal data security, proven mecha- nisms such as encryption, VPN, or
Advantages: Significantly improved system availability and ef- ficiency of the analytics with reduced downtimes.