© Siemens AG 2011
Plant Asset Management as a maintenance task
General information
Various tasks have to be handled during the operating phase of a plant, for which different groups of persons are responsib- le.
The production personnel operate and monitor the plant, and make sure that the desired products are produced with the ap- propriate quality, in the defined quantity, at a specified time, and with minimum resources with respect to personnel, raw materials, energy, costs, etc.
Maintenance staff must
•ensure a high availability of the plant,
•ensure this availability in the long term by implementing optimization measures, and
•carry out maintenance measures with minimum use of per- sonnel, material, energy, costs, etc.
As a result of their different tasks, these two groups of persons have different information requirements.
Information on the measured process tags is available for the plant operator. Apart from the measured value itself and its status, this may, for example, be the information on whether the measured value is still valid.
The focus of interest for the maintenance engineer is the sta- tus of the production equipment that is reflected in the states of the devices and components used (i.e. particularly in the states of the field devices). Typical states in this respect inclu- de "Component OK", "Maintenance required", "Failure" or "Function check".
SIMATIC PCS 7 allows a clear classification of the information for the user groups Plant Operators and Maintenance Engi- neers.
Different demand for information at the plant
Plant operator
Information on the process such as:
•Recipe parameters
•Temperature characteristic
•Pressure values
•Raw material stocks
Maintenance personnel
Information on the state of the production equipment such as:
•Components OK
•Maintenance required
•Functional check