Status information

Shows the public IP address of the device.

uPPPoE pass-through

Shows the status of PPPoE pass-through for the DSL or cable connection for estab- lishing an Internet connection directly between a PC and the network.

uADSL LineStatus

The status of the cable connection from your device to your DSL port.

Line mode

The current line mode used by your DSL port.

Maximum line rate

The maximum possible data transfer rate of your DSL port for incoming and out- going data traffic.

Noise margin

The maximum signal-to-noise ratio of your DSL port for incoming and outgoing data traffic.

Line attenuation

The line attenuation of your DSL port for incoming and outgoing data traffic.

Output power

The output power of your DSL port for incoming and outgoing data traffic.

uAddress Translation (NAT)


Shows the status of the NAT (Network Address Translation) for the Internet con- nection.

NAT table

Shows the current number of entries in the NAT table.

Click Empty to delete all the current entries in the NAT table.

ìClick Refresh to refresh this screen and update the displayed data.

Local Network

You will find information about the local network settings on the Local Network screen in the Status menu.

uIP address

Shows the local IP address of the device.

uSubnet mask

Shows the subnet mask used in the local network.

uMAC address

Shows the local MAC address of the device for wired data transfer.

uDHCP Server
