Configuring Advanced Settings

ìComment: Enter a description that makes it easy to identify different entries.

ìActivate Enabled by ticking the check box.

ìClick the Add button to add a new entry.

ìClick the Delete button to delete an entry.

ìClick OK to apply the settings.

Opening the firewall for selected PCs (Exposed Host)

You can set up a client in your local network to be a so-called "exposed host" (DMZ). Your device will then forward all incoming data traffic from the Internet to this client. You can then, for example, operate your own Web server on one of the clients in your local network and make it accessible to Internet users.

As the exposed host, the local client is directly visible to the Internet and therefore particularly vulnerable to attacks (e.g. hacker attacks). Only activate this function if it is absolutely necessary (e.g. to operate a Web server) and other functions (e.g. port for- warding) are not adequate. In this case you should take appropriate measures for the clients concerned.


Only one PC per public IP address can be set up as an Exposed Host (see also the section entitled Port Forwarding on page 67).

ìTo set up a PC as an exposed host, select Exposed Host from the Advanced Settings

Internet Address Translation (NAT) menu.

ìEnter the Local IP address of the PC that is to be enabled as an Exposed Host.

ìEnter a name for the PC in the Comment field.

ìActivate Enabled by ticking the check box.