Introduction to the Raven XE
Modem Doctor
Modem Doctor and Modem Doctor USB is a troubleshooting and diagnostics utility. This utility will allow you to get a log file of the Raven XE activity which you can then send to Sierra Wireless support or erase the current configuration completely.
Figure 1-4: Modem Doctor
Connecting to your cellular provider
The Raven XE uses your cellular provider as an ISP (Internet
Service Provider) to connect you to the Internet.
Steps of a connection:
1.Your Raven XE establishes a PPP (Point to Point Protocol or “dial” up connection) link to the your cellular provider network, also called registering on the network, and receives an IP address.
2.When your Raven XE has received its IP address from your cellular provider, a connection to the Internet or the cellular network is also available for computers or other devices connected directly to the Raven XE.
The Raven XE will perform routing for all internet traffic to and from the computers or other end devicse.
Rev 1.0 Oct.09 |
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