Command Description
# Service Name Filter
1 TWC_FFFFFF 0: No Filter
2 BINARY_P1 0: No Filter
3 TEXT_P1 1: Text Substitution m= LF, r= CRLF
4 TWC_FFFFFF_P1_4 0: No Filter
5 TWC_FFFFFF_P1_5 0: No Filter
6 TWC_FFFFFF_P1_AT 4: PostScript Tagged Binary
SET SERVI <service
name> FMS
Sets filter 1 text replacement match string index.
If the index is zero, the default string of <LF> (line feed) is used.
The default value is 0.
SET SERVI <service name> FRM nn
SET SERVI <service
name> FRS
Sets filter 1 text replacement replace string index.
If the index is zero, the default string of <CRLF> (carriage return-line feed) is
The default value is 0.
SET SERVI <service name> FRS nn
SET SERVI <service
name> IP
Enables or disables IP based jobs such as lpd, raw tcp and ftp, on the service
The default value is enabled for service 1 and 2, disabled for all others.
SET SERVI <service name> IP [ENable | DIsable]
SET SERVI <service
name> NAme
Changes service name
The default value varies by service
SET SERVI <service name> NAme <newname>
SET SERVI <service
name> POrt
Sets output port associated with a service
The default value is S1.
SET SERVI <service name> POrt <portname>
SET SERVI <service
name> PRIority
Sets priority for service for multiple service transmissions simultaneously
The default value is 10.
SET SERVI <service name> PRIority nn
Shows priority of service.
If service_num is not provided, the priority of all services is listed.
SET SERVI <service Sets receive only mode for a service
Console Commands Silex Page 50
Part Number 140-00188-210A