uClinux NEEK BSP Configuring Device Drivers and File Systems
File systems --->
Miscellaneous File systems --->
[*] Journaling Flash File System v2 (JFFS2)
(0) JFFS2 debugging verbosity (0 = quiet, 2 =
[*] JFFS2 write-buffering support
To include the SD Card Driver in compilation, the following options should be
Device Drivers --->
[*] MMC/SD card support --->
--- MMC/SD card support
--- MMC/SD Card Drivers
[ ] MMC block device driver
--- MMC/SD Host Controller Drivers
[*] SLS SD card device driver
4.3.1 VFAT
Virtual File Allocation Table (VFAT) is the part of the Windows 95 and later
operating system that handles long file names, which otherwise could not be
handled by the original file allocation table file allocation table (FAT)
If you want to use VFAT file system on SD Card then you have to configure both
the SD Card driver and VFAT file system. First do the SD Card Driver
configuration as described above. And then follow the procedure below to
configure the VFAT File system.
System Level Solutions 21