This chapter introduces you about the network utilities ftp, dhcpcd, telnet, boa,
and inetd. First of all follow all steps for Ethernet driver mentioned in the section
SLS Ethernet IP Driver.
6.1 Configuring DHCP Client
1. Select Customize Application/Library Settings. Do the following
settings for Network Application and Busybox.
System Level Solutions 35
2. To configure the IP address of the board dynamically (automatically),
issue the following command on the target.
3. To know the IP address received from the above command and to know
the Ethernet port configuration, Issue following command on the target.
Network Applications ---->
[*] dhcpcd-new (2.0/2.4)
[*] ntpdate
[*] route
BusyBox ---->
[*] ifconfig
[*] Enable status reporting output (+7k)
[*] ping
You will find IP assigned to your board by ifconfig command
4. Ping your board from the host with the IP address (xx.xx.xx.xx) that you
got from step 3.
#ping xx.xx.xx.xx
Make sure that DHCP server is available in your network and there is
enough space for new IP allocation.