Root File Systems uClinux NEEK BSP
You will see following on the host terminal. Enter the ftp user name and
Connected to
220- Welcome to the uClinux ftpd!
220 uClinux FTP server (GNU inetutils 1.4.1)ready
User ( :( none)): ftp
331 Guest login ok, type your name as password.
230 Guest login ok, access restrictions apply.
4. Now connect Telnet client on HOST to the server running on the Board.
Here Board IP is configured as so issue:
Target command shell will be opened.
6.5 Configuring boa Server
To configure the boa server on the board, follow the steps below:
1. Do the following selection.
[*] Customize Vendor/User Settings (NEW) ---->
Network Applications ---->
[*] boa
2. Issue following command on the target.
/>boa &
3. On host PC, go to your web browser, search for board_ip in the address
bar. uClinux default webpage opens.
38 System Level Solutions