Network Utilities uClinux NEEK BSP
Before going further, copy .jpg images from your PC in the SD Card and make
the following selection.
Miscellaneous Applications --->
---video tools
[*] jpegview
5.2.1 Viewing the SD Card Images on the VGA and LCD
1. To mount the SD Card on mnt directory, Issue the following command on
the target when the system is up and running.
/>mount -t vfat /dev/hda /mnt
Sometimes, when the user uses this command on the console, it is
failed to mount and returns with following error message.
FAT: bogus number of reserved sectors
VFS: Can't find a valid FAT file system on dev SLS_SD
This is due to the problem in the file system formatted on the SD Card,
which is supported in windows but is not supported in uClinux. To solve
this problem, please download Quick Reference.
When you extract Quick Reference, you will find following files:
• zImage
• sls_neek_bsp_hw.sof
• readme.txt
Download .sof and zImgae respectively. You will get console on serial
UART. When zImage is up and running, plug the SD card into socket of
the NEEK board. Issue following command to format the SD card.
/>mkdosfs –I –F 16 /dev/hda
After formatting the SD card, you have to copy the JPG file from your PC
through card reader in the NEEK board. Once again mount the SD card
with VFAT file system.
3. Go to the mnt directory and see the contents of the SD card by Issuing the
following command.
/>cd mnt
You will see on the console, the list of images contained in the SD card.
28 System Level Solutions