Network Utilities uClinux NEEK BSP
miscellenieous application -->
--- Audio tools
[*] mp3play
Build the zImage with these options. To test this application, copy the MP3 songs
in SD card and run the zImage, when it is up and running. Mount the SD card as
explained in Viewing the SD Card Images on the VGA and LCD. Issue following
/> cd mnt
mnt> ls
mnt>mp3play sample.mp3
Connect the headphone with the board and you will hear an mp3 song now. You
can play any mp3 song with its name as explained above.
5.5 Nano-x Application To support Nano-X, select Touch Panel Controller driver and VGA driver as
mentioned in SLS Touch Panel Controller (TPC) IP Driver & SLS VGA IP
Select the following options:
[*] Optimize
[*] Thread safe
--- Libraries
MicroWindows --->
[*] MicroWindows
--- Compiling Options
30 System Level Solutions