Debugging Kernel and User Application uClinux NEEK BSP
• Select workspace>Helloworld>Debug>Helloworld and copy
the file into /uclinux-dist/romfs/bin.
e) Build the zImage as explained in early section.
f) Click OK.
10. Now, select Project-->Build project to compile your project.
11. Copy from your workspace/Helloworld/Debug/Helloworld to romfs/bin
in uClinux-dist and build the zImage as explained earlier.
12. Configure the SOF on your board and download the zImage.
13. The kernel starts booting. After successful booting, configure the IP
address of the board (same as entered in the Eclipse IDE). Here IP is:
/>ifconfig eth0
14. Now issue the command:
/>gdbserver localhost:9999 /bin/Helloworld
15. It will display:
Process /bin/Helloworld created; PID = 20
Listening on port 9999
16. Now move to the IDE on host.
a) Select Run>Open Debug Dialog
• Select Helloworld as Debug application
• C/C++ Application: Debug/Helloworld.gdb
• Click Apply.
• Click Debug.
b) If there is no error then debug perspective opens and it will establish a
connection with the board. You will see the following message on the
remote debugging from: (your host ip)
17. Now you can debug easily with the help of step into/step over feature of
44 System Level Solutions