Read This Section First
Before you install and use your SMART Board™ 600i4 or D600i4 interactive
whiteboard system, read and understand the safety warnings and precautions in this
user’s guide and the included warnings document. These safety warnings and
precautions describe the safe and correct operation of your interactive whiteboard
system and its accessories, helping you to prevent injuries and equipment damage.
Ensure that your interactive whiteboard system is always being used correctly.
If you own a SMART product other than a SMART Board 600i4 or D600i4
interactive whiteboard system, refer to the installation guide for your product
for relevant warnings and maintenance instructions.
In this document, “SMART Board 600i4 interactive whiteboard system” or “SMART
Board D600i4 interactive whiteboard system” refers to your SMART Board 600 or
D600 series interactive whiteboard and its SMART UF65 or SMART UF65w projector,
accessories and optional equipment.
The SMART UF65 or SMART UF65w projector included with your system is designed
to work only with certain SMART Board interactive whiteboard models. Contact your
authorized SMART reseller for more information.