Projector Powerstate Controls
The SMART UF65 or SMART UF65w projector responds to commands only at certain
power levels and times. There are five projector power states:
• Powering (startup)
• On (operating)
• Cooling
• Confirm off
Command Inventory
The SMART UF65 or SMART UF65w projector responds to the commands in the
tables on the following pages. To see a list of valid commands in the projector’s
current power state, type “?” and press ENTER.
• Send a command after the projector sends a command prompt.
• Commands aren’t case sensitive. Type commands exactly as they appear in
the left column of the tables, with the proper value or setting in the center
• Check your entries carefully before entering your commands.
• Press ENTER after typing each command.
• After the projector executes a command, it generates a response.
• To avoid buffer overrun, don’t send another command until you receive the
next command prompt.
Value-Based Command Methods
Absolute Values and Adjustment Values
You can use the command’s target range to set an absolute value for a command, or
cause an adjustment to be made to the current value. To create an adjustment
command, add a plus (+) or minus (-) symbol instead of the equal symbol (=) before
the value change you want to enter. All absolute values you enter must be within the
command target range, and all adjustment values must equal a number within the
command target range.