10.Thebaffle(A,figure7)isinstalledintheblower housing for use with 42” mower. For use with 48”mower,removethebaffleandinstallinholes marked 48”.
Figure 7.
A Battle
I n
On42”and 48”mowersthecapscrewinstalled innextstepisusedintheholeoccupiedbya screw held in place by a retaining nut. (This screw secured the
11.Install the pulley cover (B, figure 8) with hardware shown, items E through M. (Figure 8 shows blower housing but it is not installed at this point of the procedure.)
A. Blower Housing
q . Pulley Cover
C. Hook
D. Clip
E. Capscrew
F. Washer, 5116
G. Large Washer, 5/16
H. Spacer
I. Lockwasher, S/16
J. Nut. 506
K. La& Washer, S/16I
L. Large Washer, 5/16
M. Locknut, S/16
N. Wing Nut