Thus, the RTS Threshold mechanism provides a solution to prevent data collisions. When you enable RTS Threshold on a suspect “hidden station”, this station and its Access Point will use a Request to Send/Clear to Send protocol (RTS/CTS). The station will send an RTS to the Access Point, informing that it is going to transmit the data. Upon receipt, the Access Point will respond with a CTS message to all station within its range to notify all other stations to defer transmission. It will also confirm the requestor station that the Access Point has reserved it for the
If the “Hidden Node” problem is an issue, please specify the packet size. The RTS mechanism will be activated if the data size exceeds the value you set. It is highly recommended that you set the value ranging from 0 to 1500. The default value is Disable.
Note: Enabling RTS Threshold would cause redundant network overhead that could negatively affect the throughput performance instead of providing a remedy.
Frag. Threshold
Fragmentation mechanism is used for improving the efficiency when high traffic flows along in the wireless network. If your 11Mbps Wireless LAN CF Card often transmit large files in wireless network, you can enable the Fragmentation Threshold by clicking the Enable button and the mechanism will split the packet. The value can be set from 256 to 1500. The default value is Disable.
IRQ NO./IO Address
To avoid device conflict, you may modify the IRQ No. and IO Address for your device (Only available under Windows NT).
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