From the navigation bar on the left, click on ‘VPN’, this will bring up the ‘VPN > Settings’ page. In the ‘VPN Global Settings’ section, make sure the ‘Enable VPN’ radio button is selected. In the ‘VPN Policies’ section, click on ‘Add’ to create the new VPN policy for the Check Point
The ‘VPN Policy’ window will then appear. On the ‘General’ tab page, ‘Security Policy’ section, select “IKE using Preshared Secret” from the ‘IPSec Keying Mode:’ dropdown box.
Name: "to_checkpoint"
IPSec Primary Gateway Name or Address:
Shared Secret: HaRd!_to_Gue55_Al1c3
Local IKE ID: SNWL Identifier
Peer IKE ID: IP Address