What is the difference between DVD-R and DVD-RW?

Two types of discs are available and they are different in the following ways.

Which disc

How can I

can I use?



between these


two discs?

8cm DVD-Rs and 8cm DVD-RWs are available.

The number of recordable times is different for the two discs. Choose the one that meets your needs.

8cm DVD-R

You can use the following discs:

DMR30 (single-sided disc)

DMR60 (double-sided disc)

8cm DVD-RW

You can use the following discs:

DMW30 (single-sided disc)

DMW60 (double-sided disc)

Discs other than these two types are cannot be used in your DVD Handycam.

Examples of incompatible discs

12cm DVD-R

12cm DVD-RW







DVD-Rs can be recorded only once.

It is suitable for permanent records and for making a backup copy. Recorded in VIDEO mode.

DVD-RWs can be overwritten repeatedly.

It is suitable for source gathering and temporary recordings.

You can choose VIDEO mode or VR mode to make your recordings (see page 26).