This menu contains items for changing settings according to conditions related to the subject when a normal cameraman is operating the camcorder. This menu is normally displayed when the DISPLAY switch is changed to MENU.

For detailed information on adjustments and setups using this OPERATION menu,

see “4-8 Setup Using the OPERATION Menu” on page 4-47.

• PAINT menu

4 This menu contains items for making detailed image adjustments while using a waveform monitor to monitor the waveforms output by the camera. Usually, the support of a video engineer is required to use this menu. Although you can also use an external remote control panel or master setup unit to set the items on this menu, this menu is effective when using the camcorder by itself outdoors. This menu allows you to perform almost the same settings as those of the PAINT menu of the MSU-700A/750 Master Setup Unit (not supplied).


This menu contains items for performing camera maintenance operations such as changing the system or infrequently used paint items. This menu allows you to perform almost the same settings as those of the MAINTENANCE menu of the MSU-700A/750 Master Setup Unit (not supplied).

• FILE menu

This menu is used for performing file operations such as writing the reference file.


This menu enables you to confirm the VTR status or a failed circuit board.

4-30Chapter 4 Adjustments and Settings for Recording