OpenMG Jukebox 2.0 Software Instructions
4In the Playlist view, select the song to be checked out. To check out more than one song at a time, hold down the Ctrl key and click the songs to be selected.
5Click (Out), or drag and drop the song to the desired position in the song list of the external device/media.
✍To cancel
✍You can only
1Connect the external device/media to your computer
2Click the
3Select the song to be checked in from the song list of the external device/ media. To check in more than one song at a time, hold down the Ctrl key and click the songs to be selected.
4Click (In), or drag and drop the song(s) to the Playlist view. If you want to check in all of the songs in the external device/media, click (In All).
✍To cancel
For more information regarding the use of OpenMG Jukebox 2.0, read the OpenMG Help file. To access the OpenMG Help file, Click the Start button on the Windows taskbar, select Programs, OpenMG Jukebox, and then OpenMG Jukebox Help. Or, from the OpenMG Jukebox Help menu, select OpenMG Jukebox Help.