OpenMG Jukebox 25
palmrest 13 phones
service precautions 85 PictureGear 26
power cords 82 disconnecting 83
power fluctuations or loss 82 power indicator
on system unit 16, 17 power source, precautions 82– 83
power switch 16, 17 problem solving 71
radio interference 84 reducing glare 14 removing computer cover 83
reducing glare 14 selecting
locations 13 setting up your computer
ergonomic location 13 shutting down your computer 82
Smart Capture 26 Sony
Sony Multimedia Computer
problems with 71 Sony Online Support
options 91 speakers
precaution 84 Specifications 93 starting your computer
problems with 71 surge protectors 82 system
troubleshooting 71 System Recovery CD 59
problems viewing 79 technical support
support options 91 telephone jack 18 Topics 71 troubleshooting 71 turning off your computer 82 turning on and off
the computer 16, 17 turning on your computer
problems with 71 TV interference 84
Universal Serial Bus (USB) connector 18
upgrading your computer 85 UPS (Uninterrupted Power Supply) 82
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